Saturday, April 7, 2018

Foxes, Little Fish, Lord of Contemplation

The Full Moon is out and the clouds have parted.  The Moon reflects the light from the Sun and the Moonlight shines on us.  If you look, you can see things happening that you  couldn't see otherwise.

The foxes tell us to be clever - use our mental capabilities and also watch for the cleverness of others.  Keep the foxes out of the Hen House.  Let's all be more savvy this year and do the right things.

The Moonlight lights your path.  Keep your eyes open and watch for the best timing.

The little fish are all swimming together in a group. We are all in this together. There can be some successful group activity today. We are moving forward

The 'little fishes' is the card of little wish granted.

It can also indicate the formation of something new: Something drawn from Nothing.

Our little wishes can come true.

Can you concentrate and enter into deep meditation?

Give it a try or keep trying.

Before making a decision, do you give it great thought or just make it without thought?

Do you get in touch with your higher self and follow the inner guidance?

Give yourself the benefit of your meditative / neutral mind.

Foxes are clever and they do their mischief at night.  The light is coming out and that which has been hidden may be see.  We are all like the little fish and swimming together in Spirit (the water symbol).  Fish was the symbol too for the early Christians and followers of Jesus.  It says there can be some success and little wish granted.  The Lord of Contemplation sees it all and gives it thought.  What is our guidance.  Get in touch with and ask the Father for insight.  Raise the energy higher.

You are loved and blessed.

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